Efficient, Profitable & Reliable Decisions

…On Time

Knowledge Management Experts

Our Team

We are a consulting firm of experts in various business specialties. All our partners are or have been CEOs, CIOs, or CFOs of companies in several countries. They have a minimum of 20 years of experience and have participated in significant projects.

Our history

Thousands of hours of experience. Our team, led by our partners, has accumulated thousands of hours of participation in decision-making processes. We capitalize on our successes and learn from our failures to avoid or correct them in time.

Our Mision

Help business and members to make and implement efficient, profitable, reliable, fair, and timely decisions so that we have sustainable companies with social responsability.

Proven Methodology

Knowledge sharing foundation©

Knowledge Sharing Foundation©

US Copyright Office

Knowledge Sharing Board®

Peers & Experts

Knowledge Sharing Foundation©

Our proven methodology enables efficient, agile, and timely discovery and exchange of information, allowing you to capitalize on the intellectual capital of your organization.

Knowledge Sharing Boards®

Our Knowledge Sharing Boards® are an inexhaustible source of knowledge exchange with peers, experts, and our consulting team. They are the heart of our Knowledge Sharing Foundation© methodology, from which all activities and services of our consulting practice are derived.

Decision Support Network

DSN is the platform for networking, business, and knowledge exchange for the members of our Knowledge Sharing Boards®, which are operated by our firm:

Decision Support Consulting, LLC

Our firm

decision support consulting llc

What is Decision Support Consulting (DS•C)?

Our multidisciplinary team of experts accompanies business owners and directors in analyzing their business to detect problems and find alternative solutions, accelerating the decision-making process like never before. We involve entrepreneurs and senior executives with over 25 years of experience in various sectors.

How do we do it?

We organize high-level advisory boards, called Knowledge Sharing Boards®, where we apply an innovative KSF© methodology for collaborative knowledge sharing. This involves exchanging experiences among participants and experts to generate immediate impact actions that are measurable and produce tangible results.

What values define us?

  • Confidentiality
  • Generosity
  • Trust: Strict Code of Ethics
  • Innovation
  • Success of our entrepreneurs
  • Total customer satisfaction
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Our value proposition

Decision-Making Enhancement
  • We multiply the analysis and decision-making capacity of CEOs and business owners.
  • We promote strategic and innovative thinking.
  • We generate actions with immediate impact on problem-solving.
Application of Best Practices
  • We apply best practices for business management.
  • We assist in the institutionalization of the company with fewer decisions centered exclusively on one person.
Problem Diagnosis and Resolution
  • We challenge, question, and uncover the real causes of problems.
  • We find immediate actions for urgent problems.
We make it happen
  • We create proactive networking, ensuring it happens.
  • We provoke an “Agile Transformation.”
  • We help companies become Data Driven.

Success Stories

Our experience